Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Chapter 2

The primary focus of chapter two was communications, or telecommunications. The chapter discussed the variety of ways computers communicate via communication networks. I learned about LAN networks, which I was already familiar with, WAN networks, and home networks. Chapter 2 illustrated the ways that schools use networks for communication. Something I found interesting was Internet2. I had never heard of it before and I didn't know that there was any other kind of internet other than the kinds available for home use such as broadband and dial-up. I was also interested in the section about how webpages work. I'm really excited about getting to make our own webpages in class! I think the most useful part of the chapter to me was actually a section after the end of the chapter. There was a section on Assistive Technologies that discussed how disabled persons utilize technology. This is interesting because I am interested in teaching special education.

This week I learned about the different resources available for educators on the internet. I already knew how to perform searches online but I was unfamiliar with all the different useful resources available on the web for teachers. I think that the lesson plan websites will be the most useful for me as an elementary school teacher. I also learned about igoogle which is a really cool google program. You can add all sorts of applications and personalize the page you see when you open google. It will be useful as a teacher because I can add rss feeds for different education websites or blogs and use this program to keep up-to-date with these various sites.

I was wondering if anyone else had started their service learning yet. So far I've worked at a special needs school and an elementary school. I've really enjoyed the experience so far. I think the coolest part was seeing the various ways that the special needs kids were all incorporated into different activities. I worked with the drama class after school and there were kids who were in wheelchairs and were nonverbal but they still managed to find ways for them to participate by recording their lines beforehand and having the kids push a button when it was their turn to "speak". The service learning has really helped me to confirm my decision to be a teacher. I was originally a nursing major and wasn't 100% sure if I wanted to switch at first, but now I know teaching is definitely where I belong!

1 comment:

jgentile said...

Hope you get an answer on service learning. I felt like last weeks lesson really wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. Guess that happens from time to time.